The purpose of the Hilliard-Cunningham Family Reunions is to meet annually to provide fun, family fellowship, entertainment, and share the history of the Hilliard-Cunningham Family.
To oversee this function, we do hereby establish rules and guidelines for coordinating the annual Reunions. For this reason, we will set up a “Steering Committee”. Its function will be to provide guidance to the host committee and to conduct the family business meetings at each Reunion.
The Steering Committee shall be made up of the following officers with the following functions:
1. President – To Preside over the annual family meetings and provide guidance to the Reunion host committee chairperson.
2. Vice President – To assist the President as needed and if necessary, act in the Presidents absence.
3. Secretary – To record the minutes of all family meetings and maintain accurate family records.
4. Assistant Secretary – To assist the secretary as needed.
5. Treasurer – To maintain funds of the Steering Committee (i.e. scholarship funds).
6. Parliamentarian – To insure that all meetings are conducted as outlined in Roberts Rules of Order.
7. Historian – To maintain the history of the family.
8. Assistant Historian – To assist and fill in for the Historian as needed.
9. Chaplain – To maintain reverence in all meetings.
10. Assistant Chaplain – To fill in for the Chaplain as needed.
11. Scholarship Chairperson – To convene a scholarship committee for the purpose of:
a. Set-up rules for the selection of scholarship recipients
b. Selecting those recipients
c. Determining the amount to be added on the registration fees to fund the scholarships
d. Determining the amount to be awarded each year based on available funds
Terms of Office – Each officer shall be elected to serve a 2 year period and can be re-elect for more than one term.
1. The Reunions will be held annually on the last weekend in June.
2. The length of the Reunion shall be for a period of at least 2 days (to justify family members traveling a long distance to attend).
3. The location will be determined two years in advance (this is so that we can plan well in advance).
4. The Reunions shall be hosted in a location where we have active family members (members that have attended previous reunions).
5. The chairperson for the host committee shall be selected by the city hosting the Reunion.