BACKGROUND: The Hilliard-Cunningham Family has a long and rich history of demonstrated educational excellence. Family members have always pursued and encouraged others to pursue knowledge and to use that knowledge to contribute to society. This scholarship is one way that we try to support those who have decided to further their education. ______________________________________________________________________
REQUIREMENTS: An eligible applicant must meet all of the following criteria You must be a graduating High School Senior with, at least, a 3.0 GPA You must be a descendant of the Hilliard/Cunningham Family You must have attended a Hilliard-Cunningham reunion within the last 4 years. You must complete your application with essay and other supporting materials outlined below. You must submit a letter from an official at your High School confirming what your GPA is. You must submit a copy of a letter of acceptance to the University, College or Technical School you will enter. You must submit a completed application on or before the deadline JUNE 13, 2025.
APPLICATION: (Type or print clearly with black or blue ink)
LAST:__________________________ FIRST:________________________ MIDDLE:____________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: ________________________________ STATE: ___________________ ZIP CODE: ___________________
PHONE: _________________________________ E-MAIL: _____________________________
HIGH SCHOOL: ______________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________
GPA: ______________________________
COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY YOU (PLAN) TO ATTEND: _______________________________________
ESSAY: Write a one-page essay about yourself. Explain why you are applying for this scholarship. (Essay must be typed) _______________________________________________
1) Application
2) One-page Essay
3) Letter from school official confirming your GPA
4) Copy of Letter of Acceptance to College, University or Technical School.
Application Deadline: Postmarked no later than: JUNE 13, 2025
Scholarship Committee:
The committee is made up of 3 members, no more than 5 members who will, decide the recipients. The committee chair will facilitate the review and award process. A new scholarship committee will be selected at each reunion unless the body decides to keep the same committee.
Applicants who meet ALL requirements will be awarded a scholarship in an amount
determined by the committee. This is not a competitive scholarship. The goal is to support and encourage students who have successfully completed High School and who plan to further their education.
1. Elect a scholarship committee or confirm that the sitting committee agrees to continue to serve.
2. Mail and/or announce via snail or e-mail the availability of Scholarship Applications with Reunion Registration Forms.
3. After the deadline, the chair will review applications to ensure that applicants meets the basic requirements.
4. The chair will contact scholarship committee members to review the applicants before reunion.
Checklist for the Committee to Review:
______ Student is a descendant of the Hilliard-Cunningham Family
______ Student has attended a Hilliard-Cunningham reunion within the last 4 years
______ Application and supporting materials received or postmarked no later than: JUNE 13, 2025.
5. The student will be given the Hilliard-Cunningham Scholarship Award during the upcoming reunion. The awardees are strongly urged to attend, but if, for some reason, they cannot attend, the stipend will be mailed to them.
6. The amount of the scholarship will be determined by the committee. The scholarship amount will be based on the funds available, the number of eligible graduates, and any advice provided by family members at the general body meeting.
The Committee reserves the right not to grant any scholarships.
Future Scholarship Possibilities: In the future, the committee may vote to grant scholarship funds to college graduates, professional school and graduate school graduates and even other High School Students. This, however, will be determined by the funds available. For now, High School graduates are the priority.
BACKGROUND: The Hilliard-Cunningham family has a long and rich history of demonstrated educational excellence. Family members have always pursued and encouraged others to pursue knowledge and to use that knowledge to contribute to society. This scholarship is one way that we try to support those who have decided to further their education.
REQUIREMENTS: An eligible applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
You must be a graduating High School Senior with, at least, a 3.0 GPA
You must be a descendant of the Hilliard-Cunningham Family
You must have attended a Hilliard-Cunningham reunion within the last 4 years
You must complete your application with essay and other supporting materials outlined below.
You must submit a letter from an official at your High School confirming what your GPA is.
You must submit a copy of a letter of acceptance to the University, College or Technical School you will enter.
You must submit a completed application by the deadline: JUNE 13, 2025
APPLICATION: (Type or print clearly with black or blue ink)
HIGH SCHOOL: _______________________________________________
HIGH SCHOOL PHONE: ______________________________________
GPA: ______________________________
COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY YOU (PLAN) TO ATTEND: _________________________________
ESSAY: Write a one-page essay about yourself. Explain why you are applying for this scholarship. (Essay must be typed)
1) Application
2) One-page Essay
3) Letter from school official confirming your GPA
4) Copy of letter of acceptance to College, University or Technical School
Please mail your completed application to:
Hilliard-Cunningham Scholarship Committee
c/o: Hope Sampson
5510 Paraiso Place
Houston, TX 77091
Email: hope@hopesampson.com